Sunday, 18 January 2009

The Lesson I have Learnt From Virus

This is the great lesson i have learn t from virus. I have created a blog of mine and i have created it for creating some animated gif files. I need some other softwares and help to create sounds for that animated files. I have searched in web for help and also for software required. I have got a free software for that and i was very happy for that. I have downloaded and installed it and started using it. This is where i have made a terrible mistake. my system hanged. I could not do anything with my computer. I have restarted it. But the problem became gigantic now. It shows blue screen. I have to format the pc and reinstall it. I have lost most valuable data s in my computer. From this i have learn t a lesson. This i have given in steps:
1.Don't Download anything from unknown site.
2.Use anti-virus program and update regularly.
3.Don't click Yes when something is prompted in an unknown site.
4.Use Google page rank add on your firefox browser.
5.Don't install unknown program which is available for free in any site.

These are the tips i want to share with you. Thanks

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